School was not in session because it was a national holiday. Because of this, we had about 100 extra kids at VBS. We ended the week on a really good note and are all pleased with the way the week turned out. The Lord did some great and mighty things with our limited abilities. We'd love to tell you all about it... ASK US!
Since it had been storming every afternoon this week, we decided to make our night service an 'after vbs rally'. For this, each class got to go to the front of the church and recite one of the memory verses and one of their favorite songs. It was such a sweet thing to hear!
After we said our goodbyes to the school kids, we headed back to the girls' home. We had another good afternoon hanging out with the wonderful girls and had a blast dancing and singing with them.
Tomorrow is going to be a fun day! We're going to the beach with the girls! Tomorrow's also gonna be really tough because it will be our last full day with the girls.
Pray that we enjoy every minute we have left here. Pray that we're intentional with our time. And pray that we get (and take) an opportunity to shine Christ's love to someone.