The mission of Hope For The Hungry is to "Share the Bread of Life with a Starving World". God has called us to serve people who suffer from hunger that is both spiritual and physical. According to scriptural mandate, we offer food for the body and salvation for the spirit to those who do not know Jesus Christ and will suffer eternal death without Him.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thursday- VBS Day 4

Today was our last day of VBS and it went great! 

School was not in session because it was a national holiday. Because of this, we had about 100 extra kids at VBS.  We ended the week on a really good note and are all pleased with the way the week turned out. The Lord did some great and mighty things with our limited abilities. We'd love to tell you all about it... ASK US!

Since it had been storming every afternoon this week, we decided to make our night service an 'after vbs rally'. For this, each class got to go to the front of the church and recite one of the memory verses and one of their favorite songs. It was such a sweet thing to hear!

After we said our goodbyes to the school kids, we headed back to the girls' home. We had another good afternoon hanging out with the wonderful girls and had a blast dancing and singing with them.

Tomorrow is going to be a fun day! We're going to the beach with the girls! Tomorrow's also gonna be really tough because it will be our last full day with the girls. 

Pray that we enjoy every minute we have left here. Pray that we're intentional with our time. And pray that we get (and take) an opportunity to shine Christ's love to someone.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wednesday- VBS Day 3

Today was another spirit filled day. Our day was all about how God wins in the end. What a great truth to bring to the village of Ferrier!

The children all enjoyed the stories, crafts and songs. It's crazy to think that we only have one day of Vbs left!

During the afternoon we had a great time at the children's home.  We had English lessons, a lot of singing, and got to dance in the rain! It's been a great day!

Pray for our last day of vbs tomorrow. The lesson is over choosing your team... We've taught all week that God Always Wins so now they'll have the opportunity to join His team! Pray that our words and actions would clearly speak the love of the Father. We are having a night service for the parents if it doesn't rain tomorrow night. Pray for those who will be in attendance. Also, pray for our team as we say goodbye to our school kids. 

Tuesday- VBS Day 2

Tuesday was a wonderful day. 

We taught the children all about how God wins over all other gods. This is an important lesson for children who live in the very real world of voodoo. We taught that God is bigger than any god made by human hands. 

The stories we went over were Moses and the 10 Commandments, the golden calf, and Elijah and the Baal prophets.

The kids learned another memory verse, did lots of crafts and sang lots of songs.

Our time after VBS was spent with the girls and translators. We sang English and Creole songs, played clapping games, and played futbol. We even taught them how to play American football!

We had the third day in a row of evening showers. Not only is it a blessing for the crops, but for us too because it brings wind and cooler weather!

Please continue to pray for us. Wednesday's lesson is about how God wins over Satan, sin, death and wins in the end. Pray that we proclaim this truth well and that the children will come out of the day knowing all about Jesus' sacrifice.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Monday- VBS Day 1

Our vacation bible school is off to a great start! Our theme for the week is "God Always Wins". The first day was all about how God wins over all kings and armies. We talked about Gideon, David and Goliath, and Daniel in the lions den. 

We did all sorts of crafts and went over our theme verse of the week, John 16:33 "In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world!"

Each of our team members went into their classrooms and with the help of their classroom teachers, church volunteers, and translators, were able to continue to tell the good news of God's love.

Please continue to pray for us. Tomorrow we will talk about God winning over all other gods. This is going to be an important topic for these kids because they are constantly surrounded by voodoo. Pray that Jen would have the right words to say during our group bible study and that the rest of the team would be able to communicate this truth during their classroom time.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sunday- A Day to Worship and Rest

Today has been a sweet Sabbath. It's been a time to refresh from all of our travels and worship together with the people of Ferrier.

We went to church this morning and had an amazing time singing and praising the Lord, despite the language barrier. We all realize just how big God is and how He can hear us all, in our own language, at the same time. 

After much singing and praying, Danny got up and gave a sermon about finding contentment in the Lord. It was a much needed message to hear as we go into this week of unknowns.

After church, we had a meeting with the church helpers who will be at our VBS. They seemed very eager to jump in tomorrow and we're excited to see them in action!

Once we got back to the home, we had a great time with the girls. We had lots of playtime and did many things. Some helped with homework, some took pictures, some braided hair, and others had a mango eating contest!
All in all, today has been a much needed sabbath to reflect on how we got here and prepare for all the Lord is going to do this week.

Pray for our first day tomorrow. Pray that the day goes well. Pray for Jen as she is leading the group bible study. Pray for each of our team members as they lead their classes. And pray for our teachers and church helpers to take on their role of disciple maker.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Saturday- We're in Haiti

We finally made it to Haiti and today has been a great day! We landed at the airport and were immediately met by our bags... praise the Lord they all made it!

We made it safely to the girls home and quickly made friends with 28 of the sweetest little ones you'll ever meet! They are such a joy to be around and we're excited to see the relationships grow over the week!

Pray for us as we rest up from all of our travels. Pray for us as we experience Haitian church for the first time tomorrow morning. We are excited to worship alongside of our brothers and sisters here. Pray that the Spirit would move and many would come to know Him. Also, pray for our meeting with the teachers and church leaders. We will talk with them about the VBS and ask for a lot of participation on their parts. Pray that they would be willing to take ownership and really catch the vision of our "God Always Wins" week.

Friday- Heading Out!

So, we've had an eventful day so far. Because of storms, our flight out of Austin was delayed several hours. Because of this, we weren't going to make our connection to Miami and weren't going to be able to fly in until tomorrow afternoon.  Well the small airline that takes us into Haiti only flies every other day, so if we didnt make it to Miami tonight, our whole trip would of had to be cancelled.

But, luckily we were able to get 9 seats on a flight to West Palm Beach. Not exactly Miami, but it's a whole lot closer than Dallas!

So, we are currently on the hour long drive to Miami and will fly out tomorrow morning!  This is definitely not the way we saw today happening, but The Lord has been faithful in taking care of even the smallest details for us!

We are so excited to see and experience Haiti.  Pray for us as we prepare for the final leg of our journey. Pray that our bags actually ARE waiting for us at the Miami airport. Pray that we get good rest and arrive at the girls' home safely.