The mission of Hope For The Hungry is to "Share the Bread of Life with a Starving World". God has called us to serve people who suffer from hunger that is both spiritual and physical. According to scriptural mandate, we offer food for the body and salvation for the spirit to those who do not know Jesus Christ and will suffer eternal death without Him.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Party Time!

We had a very relaxing and fun filled last day in Haiti.

We first went to the Baptist Mission and did a little souvenir shopping. When we finished, we headed back home to get ready for the party!

The party was for Mackley's bday and all of the boys and girls from our homes came! We had a huge BBQ, played games, and had a water balloon fight. It was great to spend just a little more time with the kids we've grown to love over the past week.

We were also able to pass out new backpacks and shoes to the boys in our  home. It's always such a sweet time to watch and see the Lord providing for their needs. They are always so thankful for everything we are able to bring to them.

We head out at 6am tomorrow morning. Pray that we have safe travels and no flight delays. Pray for us as we leave the wonderful people here. 

Pray for us as we return to American culture. Pray that the Lord would continue to do a great work in each of us. Pray that we would follow His leading in our lives at home as well.

Thank you so much for your prayers this week. You've been a huge asset to our team. We would love to share more with you about our trip, so next time you see us, ask us about it!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

God Always Wins- Day 4

What a great end to an amazing VBS!

Today we taught the kids about choosing a side. They can make the choice to be on Gods side (and we know that God always wins) or they can choose to not be on his side.
Our stories for the day were Jonah and the whale and Saul's conversion to Paul. The kids enjoyed hearing both of these stories and making their related crafts.

After our classroom time, we had an assembly for all of the children to perform some of the things they've learned this week. Each class got to choose which song and memory verse from the week that they wanted to show off. It was such a great show! All of the classes did an excellent job showcasing all that they've learned and it was quite impressive how much they picked up in a week.

Tomorrow is going to be a great day! All of the kids are coming to our house and we are having a party! We're going to BBQ, play games, and have a balloon fight. We are excited to spend some time just having fun with one another.

Praise the Lord, with us, for the wonderful week of VBS that we've experienced. Pray for our day tomorrow. Pray that we cherish each moment we have with our new friends. Pray for opportunities to show Christ's love... even in the mundane.

Pray for us as we prepare to leave. Leaving a place that's dear to our hearts is going to be tough. Pray that we would have peace as we say our goodbyes.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

God Always Wins- Day 3

Today was the best day of VBS yet! Everything went well, everyone was well prepared and the kids were all excited to be there!

Our assembly time was great. We taught the kids all about how God wins over Satan, sin, death, and wins in the end.

The kids made empty tombs and lots of other cross crafts while they leaned about Jesus' sacrifice for their sins. They were excited to talk about the Good News of the resurrection and how God has won the battle!

After our vbs day was over, we got to hang out at the boys home for a while. One of our oldest boys, Gunsley, brought out a guitar and we spent the afternoon worshipping together. What an amazing experience to sing praises to the Lord while on a mountain, looking out at His beautiful creation!

We can't believe that tomorrow is our last day of vbs. Tomorrow is all about choosing who's team you want be on. Pray that the children would understand the importance of being on the Lords team and would chose Him.

This week has flown by and there seem to be so much to do still. Pray that we would finish well. So much of our hearts are with the children we've met this week. Pray that we have a great day and would feel at peace for the way the week has gone.

Pray for our goodbyes to the school children. And pray for our last days here.

Pray that we would begin to process coming home and that it would be an easy transition back.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

God Always Wins- Day 2

Day 2 of VBS went even better than the first day! We had a lot more children today, but luckily we were prepared. We had over 300 kids and had a blast!

We started our assembly going over all that we learned yesterday. The kids had the memory verse down and love to sing the theme song! We taught them new songs and verses today and they caught on well. 

Our theme for today was "God wins over all other gods". We studied the stories of The Golden Calf and Elijah and the Baal prophets. 

The kids made crowns to prove that God is the King above all, and flags to wave in praise to Him!

After the VBS was over, some of the team went to fetch water for the home. It was a hard hike up and down the mountain, especially with buckets full of water!

All of the girls from Ferrier made a surprise trip to Guibert to surprise Jen and meet Baby Jude! We are enjoying having them with us and they are being excellent baby passers!

Pleas continue to pray for us. Tomorrow is the best day of VBS. We are teaching the children all about the life of Jesus! Our theme for the day is that "God wins over Satan, sin, death, and wins in the end." The whole week has been pointing to this day!

Pray that the children would be receptive to this message. Pray that He would be speaking to each of them as they are hearing the stories and would touch lives and hearts!

Pray for us as we continue to work with these precious kids. We are having so much fun and can't believe the week is already half way over!

Monday, July 22, 2013

God Always Wins!

Our first day of vbs was incredible! The Lord has assembled the perfect team for this week and they did an awesome job today.

The assembly time started with our translators singing lots of songs. The kids were so excited to sing praises to the Lord.  We taught them "Our God is so Big" and they caught on quickly. Our memory verse for the week is John 16:33.  "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world!" Our translators even came up with a song to go along with it and the kids love singing it! Jen then taught about how God wins against all kings and armies, using the stories of Gideon, and David and Goliath as examples.

After the assembly and a few changes, we all finally settled into our classrooms and got to work! Each of the classes had lots of help from an assortment of translators, teachers, and church helpers. It was so great to see everyone working together for the Kingdom!

Pray for our day tomorrow. We are expecting many more children and are trying to accommodate all of them! Pray that we are able to handle the new number of kids and love on each of them the way Christ calls us to.

Pray for each of our helpers. Our translators, teachers, and church helpers are such an amazing asset to our team. Thank the Lord for them and ask Him to bless them as they help this week.

Pray for the children to respond to the fact that God is bigger than all others gods. This is a very important lesson for the kids here. Voodoo is a very prevalent practice here. Each of the children are impacted by voodoo in one way or another. Pray that the truth of Gods power will penetrate their hearts and wash away all of the fear and bondage from voodoo.

Thank each of you for your prayer support! We can feel your prayers, so keep them coming!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

A day of rest

Today has been a great day! 

To start off our Sabbath,  we spent time with our Haitian brothers and sisters at the Spirit of Truth church. The presence of The Lord was felt by everyone as we sang praises to Him in our own language. It was such a beautiful picture of what Heaven must look like with the global church. Danny was able to preach during the service. He spoke about the power in the name of Jesus. It was a powerful message that leads perfectly with our VBS theme!

After church we had a meeting with some of our helpers for VBS. Everyone is excited to work together to teach about how "God Always Wins".

Once we returned home, we spent some time preparing for the week. We have all of our crafts prepped and have gotten everything ready for the morning! 

Pray for us as we start vbs tomorrow! We are excited and anxious to meet the children and start the week.

Pray for everything to run smoothly. 

Pray that we would have a manageable number of children and would have adequate supplies for all of them.

Pray for Jen as she prepares to teach during the assembly time. 

Pray for the children who hear the message this week and that they would choose to follow Him!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Haiti or Bust!

Today has been a long day of travels. We started at 2:30 this morning and finally arrived at our Pastor's house at 630! Although its been a long day, our travels could not have gone any smoother. Even baby Jude was a trooper and slept through most of the flight time!

Once we arrived at our home for the week, we met our wonderful host family, The Paul's. They fed us well and are already loving us well through their hospitality. 

Tomorrow we get to worship with our Haitian brothers and sisters! We are excited to experience a new worship style and are eagerly awaiting the morning! We are also meeting with all of our helpers for the VBS after church to go over the plan for the week.

Pray for our time of worship tomorrow. Pray for Danny as he preaches in the morning. And pray that the Spirit would move in a great and mighty way! Also pray that our VBS meeting goes well and that the teachers and church helpers would be excited about the week!