We are home! Our team arrived back in Texas late Saturday night, tired but grateful for the time we had in Haiti. Our week ended well, with lots of hard work.
As I have reflected over our time last week, I think the overwhelming word that keeps coming to mind is "potential". As Stephanie met with teachers and administrators, we saw potential waiting to be unleashed; potential that when armed with the right training and tools could take our schools in Haiti to a new level.
As we interacted and played with hundreds of school children in Guibert and Marotherie, we saw the potential of Haiti's futue in each smiling face and curious gaze. The education they are receiving will be life changing. The love of God that they are taught about and shown will change their eternity.
The Mission Center is ever closer to completion. It is closer to fulfilling it's potential for relationship and community development in a new and fresh way. We still need $50,000 to complete the final stage, but it is exciting to be so close.
The boys in the Boy's Home are shining examples of unbelievable potential. Their stories and circumstances are often heartbreaking, but they are being given a chance at a life that few in Haiti even have the opportunity to consider. Theses boys have an opportuniity at an eduction and a life that few in Haiti dare to dream about. By next fall we will have 7 children from our homes (4 boys and 3 girls) that will be elidgible for university studies. Most importantly, these boys are being taught about the importance of their relationship with Jesus. They are surrounded by godly men and connected to a dynamic, local church. I had the opportunity to visit with the older boys (ages 15+) in the home last Friday. I shared with them of the characteristics we are praying they developed, I encouraged them in the things they must be focused on now, and I reminded them that their relationship with Christ must be the most important part of thei lives. It was a true priviledge to share with them. As I looked in their eyes, it was in awe of the young men I saw staring back at me. These young men are overcoming so many obstacles and have such bright futures.
Finally, I am waiting an anticpation of the new church start in Petionville. This new church represents such enormous potential for the future of our church partners in Haiti. God is already using this church to reach people for Christ. Their small leadership team has already shared the Gospel with hundreds of people in the community and seen over 50 profess faith in Jesus. They have ministered to over 700 children in the commmunity, many who have never heard about the love of Jesus. All this and they will not officially open their doors until January.
People always ask me how things are going in Haiti. Politically and economically, the country is a mess. But spiritually, there is a revival coming. God is moving, the church is active and passionate, and lives are being changed. I praise the Lord that I am able to bear witness to His mighty power moving in this tiny, island nation. Like many others, I have seen God at work in Haiti. Like a few others, I have joined God at work in Haiti. Like a small number, my experiences with God because of Haiti, have radically changed the course of my life and I am all the better for it. Join us. Visit www.hopeforthehungry.org and learn what God is doing. I promise that you will be better for having joined God at work.