As we wrapped up the week we taught about the life of Joshua and how God is bigger than what's possible. We told the story of God using Joshua to part the Jordan River and taking stones from the middle to remind them of God's work in their lives.
Our Haitian teachers are the best.. Today they performed a skit for the children about the fall of the wall of Jericho. They had bricks stacked at the front of the church and had Joshua and a group of followers walk around seven times. The even had it fall down when they shouted. It was the funniest thing and the kids had such a great time watching their teachers be silly and get in to their roles.
At the end of lunch, we had an assembly where all of our classes got to perform in front of the school. Every class got to show off a memory verse and song.
They all did so well... I am always astonished at how quickly they pick up scripture and memorize it for years to come. It's very convicting to realize how little I have stored away in my memory and how long it takes me to put new ones in.
At the conclusion of the VBS we had all of our Haitian partners (teachers, administrators, and translators) join us as we thanked them for being so wonderful this week. They truly did make this VBS a success. We wouldn't have been able to pull the week off without them.
Looking back over our time with the children, I truly see the Lord's hand all over the week. From the words spoken to the multiplied supplies, God has been at work in the school and in the lives of the people in Guibert.
There is Power in the Name of Jesus!
Tomorrow is our last full day in Haiti. We will spend it relaxing and having a party with the kids. We will hand out backpacks and shoes to the kiddos in our home. It's always a sweet time to see the Lord provide for the kiddos in such a tangible way.
Here are some ways to pray:
- There are several of us who are not feeling well. Pray that it will pass quickly.
- For us to have a fun filled day tomorrow as we hang out with our team and ministry family.
- Tomorrow we will have to say goodbye to all of our new Haitian friends. Pray that our goodbyes will be sweet.