The mission of Hope For The Hungry is to "Share the Bread of Life with a Starving World". God has called us to serve people who suffer from hunger that is both spiritual and physical. According to scriptural mandate, we offer food for the body and salvation for the spirit to those who do not know Jesus Christ and will suffer eternal death without Him.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Our final day

Today has been a bittersweet day. It was our final day of work in Haiti. We started out really slow this morning because it rained all night. When we woke up at 6am everything was silent so we slept in a little bit... Once we were up and on our way reality set in that this day would be filled with alot of lasts. Our prayer time this morning focused on god being glorified in all things, even the little stuff. As we drove up the mountain we prayed for god to move. When we got to the boys home more smiling faces were waiting for us, because there was no school. The boys were busy with chores, playing, doing laundry by hand and a variety of other things. We split into our paint group and rock group. The rock group slowly got to work. We were beyond exhausted and have been lifting rocks and boulders for the past 5 days, our muscles and bodies were wanting to give up, but we couldn't. We continued to carry rocks and cement, and then they told us they needed us to do something different. We moved to the back of the house, formed a line that was interspersed with Haitian hands and threw the rocks down the 20ft drop. The pile we were pulling from was the past 2 days of work, and by 11:30am a majority of the rocks were down and in place for the next portion of the wall. It was a great day of work. All in all this week we went through over 10,000lbs of cement, over 75 cubic feet of stones and boulders, countless buckets of mortar, a ton of memories, and 75% of the walls foundation complete. Plus the sore muscles to prove the work. GOD IS GOOD. We could not have done it without HIM. The paint team got to work right away. They were able to paint the entire room and we were able to move in the tables so the boys could have dinner in there. This room has been in the works since before the earthquake and now it is ready. The boys were so excited and couldn't wait to be in there. Part of the group was able to hike to some of the houses that have been built and pray for the families and dedicate their house. Our afternoon ended with hanging out with the boys. We made a little Easter bag of candy and had toys to play with. Bubbles and candy transfer any language barrier. We then had to say our goodbyes which was difficult. We have grown to love these boys and many others so much. God has blessed our time here tremendously. As we loaded into the van to leave we are sad that we have to go but know that god is going to continue the work here. And that these boys are loved and blessed. We then went to buy some souvenirs and got ready to go home.
Pray for us as we continue to say goodbye.
Pray for our hearts as we have been changed and challenged by god this week.
Pray that we would not forget what god has done.
Pray for our transition back into life in America. Many of us are going straight back to work, school, and tests...
And please ask us about our trip. There are so many more stories to tell that couldn't fit in the blog. Ask us we would love to share.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Rockin' and Rollin'

Today was our last full day of work and was one of the hardest because of tiredness and bodies being pushed for the past 4 days. It was by the grace of God that he gave us strength to keep going in all we did. We also started our day walking half way to the boys home for it rained last night making the roads a little hard to travel on. Today we split up into two teams: a rock carrying team and a paint team. On the side of the rock team we began our day with an assembly line moving rocks from the front of the house to the back. We also moved cement buckets but today we finished the portion behind the house and they started along the other side the house. Today while working after the kids got out of school 3-4 kids age range of 5-6 helped us pick up and move rocks while they were still in their school uniforms. It was precious to see the little girls to carry rocks that were bigger than them.

All the while we were moving rocks there was half of our team painting the walls of the new great room and kitchen. We had good conversational time with a few of the younger boys and a chance to get things done with less strenuous work. We are looking forward to the rooms being used in the very near future.

Pray for our hearts as we prepare to leave.
Pray for our bodies and muscles as they are very sore.
Pray for the relationships and conversations to continue and for local pastors to continue the ministry.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Another beautiful day in Haiti- and Happy Birthday Chloe

Today, day 7of our trip, our 4th day to work at the boys home. Probably the longest exhausting day yet. God gave us some much needed rest, which was greatly appreciated, but honestly couldn't have got through the day with out starting it out in the word. Waking up 6:30 for our daily quiet times (Todays devo: calling on the the name of God throughout the day , He finds Joy when we call on Him throughout our day) " come near to God and he will come near to you" James 4:8 Then had some amazingly delicious breakfast fuel: mango, banana, eggs, bacon, bread& cinnamon rolls. Had team prayer for our day followed by our daily 30 min. drive to the boys home. Arriving and seeing all the progress in the short time we've been here working was simply amazing on one hand and on the other hand seeing more of the same stuff was waiting to be done is a different story. New loads of rock waiting to be moved, workers already working with cement ready to be passed to the mortars. Not wasting much time we quickly found our routine "places people places" -Jeff , got assembly
line going passing rocks/cement one-by-one down the side of future missionary compound building. As work was being done we have encourage teammates to pray silently for those we come in contact with while working whether it boys or church members or even the paid workers. Some were seen praying outloud with fellow church members, others building conversations with teammates(getting know eachother better/their"story"), and some learning creole and teaching english with the workers. Had lunch spaghetti , meatball sandwiches and granola cookies. After, kids were at recess running around with so much joy, we were able to play with them for a little bit and just share God's Love with them. Before returning back to work we had a team prayer admitting to the Lord that we can't do this alone we are tired, give us strength, to shine His light in every rock we pass every conversation we have. Continuing on we went back to work doing everything we could to motivate and encourage. Whether it was random songs or talking. Finishing work on the wall, we headed up to the orphanage where we got to see some of the boys we hadn't seen today. Some teammates were able to meet the kids they had investing time in prayer for. Some goof around, watch the boy be boys, wrestle, and take pictures of them. Headed home to Pastor Jean Alix Paul's House to clean up, relax, nap, play cards, journal, snack, play with Jean Alix's kids, and most of all avoid Darryl (their BIG Rot Wieler Dog). We had pork chops, broccoli, potatoes, spaghetti, and rolls for dinner. Following the boys were forced to do dishes, then we had our usual team time where we talk about snapshots of how each of our day went.

Some snapshot from today were:

The idea that the masons have to shape and chip away the rock to fit in the wall they want it to, in the same way the Lord shapes and molds us to the person he wants us to be. (Image of Christ)

Two younger boys from the community just jumped and started helping pick up rocks and pass them, one barefoot both with no gloves. Just seeing the Joy coming from them to be able to help us. We were tired and here they are wanting to step in and give a hand.

One of the workers mixing concrete gave his lunch to his son who was at recess. Just seeing him working harder than any one there give up what he had to his son. (being provider,and loving father)

Pray for our team as we prepare for our final days.
Pray for strength and rest.
Pray for patience and endurance.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Jesus is our ROCK!

God is really changing hearts here in Haiti! Our morning began in a hump because we were all pretty tired and really in need of the Lord's strength. Our first task was passing the rocks that were dropped off previously to continue our wall and carrying buckets full of cement to fill in the holes. Once all the rocks were all passed our faces began to perk to see all of the work that we have been able to do. After a delicious lunch prepared for us we made an assembly line to pass down buckets of cement. The best part of our day when the boys joined in to help. We were able to pray with them, hear what they are learning, and hear how God brought them to the school. Time with the boys has been rare other than recess therefore getting to serve together couldn't have brought more joy to our hearts. It's incredible to have the opportunity to serve as brothers and sisters in Christ despite the location of our homes. We couldn't thank God more for the opportunity that he has providing for us to share His love and bring a smile to these young boys faces.
Pray for us as we become more tired that we would depend on God to be our strength. Pray that we would continue to work together and break through to the boys.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

We will ROCK you!

What an awesome day! We woke up sore and tired from a hard day yesterday but God gave us the strength we needed throughout the day! We moved three truckloads of rock before going down hill to haul more rock up the mountain! Jeff, Clay, and B (aka Braxton) were at the bottom of a rock wall lifting rocks over their heads to Alex who sent them up the line where we placed them for the men who were constructing the wall. Several of us were also running cement up and down the mountain to fill in between the rocks! We talked a lot about the wall we are building today. We talked about how the wall is made of rocks of different sizes and shapes but they fit together to create something needed and useful. In the same way, the Body of Christ is made of all different kinds of people that God uses to do his work and spread his love! Also, we are building the foundation out of bigger rocks and in the same way we build out faith on Jesus, our firm foundation. The wall will offer protection from evil just like putting on the armor of our faith can protect us from evils and temptation. Playing with the kids at school today was a blast as usual! Jen was able to witness one of the boys reading out loud! Just last summer he was struggling and needing to repeat his grade. It is so neat to see those who have been before interact with the kids and be called by name! At one point we were working and the kids were watching and singing VBS songs from last summer! By the way, they love to sing and dance when you ask them! It was so cool to sing songs that we all new and could sing together! We also sang the worship song that we learned in creole, with some of the older boys. Jean Alix, Mylene, and their children have been so much fun to hang out with when we are at the house and the ladies who cook for us are always smiling! All in all, another great day! We continue to see evidence of God's work in our hearts and in the lives of those around us! Today is the halfway mark on our trip but pray with us that the end of our trip will not also be an end to this chapter of loving and learning in our lives! Go is not finished with us and the work in Haiti will continue! Praise God for his faithfulness and blessings!

Monday, March 12, 2012

We ROCKED today!

Today our main task was moving rocks and cement to help build a wall around the mission home. We had about 5 dump truck loads of stones ranging from 5lbs to 100+lbs that we moved. As well as clearing the area around the house, which took most of the morning.It was a good day of physical work and truly being the hands and feet of God. It's was good to see our team bonding as we worked together and moments of bonding with the Haitian workers. This is the work that we will continue to help with throughout the rest of the week. Today we accomplished 30 ft of wall that is about 3ft tall. Doesn't sound like a lot but it is looking great. Be prepared for some amazing before and after pictures.

It was incredible to be back and play with the boys and seeing all the faces of little ones running around and playing with such joy in their smiles! It was also good for some to see those boys from the trip 3 months ago and them being remembered. We look forward to get to bond with them more in these upcoming days and continuing to build relationships. Our hope is that they see the love and service of Christ in our work. We are all pretty tired but reusing the strength of Christ to get us through.
Pray for rest of sore muscles.
Pray for strength and clear minds for our work.
Pray for continued team unity and bonding.
Pray for safety.
Pray for Jesus to be glorified.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Worship in Haiti

Hello from Haiti! Or shall I say "bon nwi!". It is about 9:00pm here and we have celebrated a wonderful Sabbath with our Haitian brothers and sisters! We awoke around 6am, had coffee and quiet times and then had a glorious breakfast! The ladies who cook for us are amazing! We have eaten awesome food at every meal so far! After breakfast we loaded up in the van and headed to church. When we arrived Pastor Jean Alix informed us that Haiti decided to Spring forward this year so we were late! But the funny thing is he didn't know either so we were all late together! Worship in Haiti is like nothing I've never experienced before. Even though we couldn't understand most of what was being said we understood God's Spirit and felt Him moving! We were able to pray, and read scripture as we listened and some of us sang along even when we didn't know the words! Some of the beautiful things that we witnessed and experienced today were shared at our group time today. Jeff and Jen got to pray over the newborn baby of their friends Sinclair and Berline in front of the church. It was similar to a baby dedication. It was so sweet to see this family rejoice in the blessing of their first child! There was a time of prayer where some of the boys from the orphanage helped lead and we broke out into a concert prayer where we all prayed at once, Hatians and Americans alike! It was so beautiful! Seeing the way God brings people together and connects us over great distances is awesome! It truly makes a difference to see the work that is being done in His name!
After church we were able to tour the boys home and see the work that has been done since the last visit. Even though this is my first time to Haiti, it was exciting to see and hear the reactions of those who have been before!
After church we came back to the house for a restful afternoon. The Haitians truly honor the Sabbath by resting. It is a great feeling to just be at peace and prepare for the work that is ahead of us with restful quiet time.
After talking out our experiences from the day, our team member Clay, led us in a time of worship at the house. It was a great way to end the day! I am excited about what is ahead of us and ready to work hard and serve the Haitian people who have already blessed me so much in the short time we have been here! "Monsieur ben ou!" God bless you!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Welcome to Haiti

Haiti Day 1-
It has been a long 2 days of travel and we are finally in HAITI! As our plane landed in Port-au-Prince reality set in that we are finally in Haiti. For some of this it is returning to a place and people that we know and love, but for others this is their first time to experience Haiti. As we went through customs, immigration and baggage claim it was one step closer to being out and in the culture. We were greeted at the airport by Shalmie (our driver) and some of the older boys from the orphanage (Guinsley, Asten, and Wilberson). We loaded our bags into the back of a dump truck and loaded ourselves into a van and were on our way. As we drove to pastor Jean Alix's house we noticed all kinda of new things: smoother and paved roads, pedestrian bridges, new buildings, but the most shocking of all was the absence of the tents and tent cities. Jen and Jeff were here in December and there were still 2 large tent cities, one by the airport and the other in Petionville. But today they are gone. There is the return of parks, grass, playgrounds, and that center part of the community that has been gone for so long. It Is strange not to have that part o the culture and scenery, but it is amazing to know that Haiti is being rebuilt. When we got to the pastors we spent the day here resting and hanging out with the family. We are sitting down to an amazing dinner right now an are looking forward to tomorrow. Tomorrow we get to worship with our Haitian brothers and sisters.
Pray for rest.
Pray for team unity.
Pray for our worship.
Pray for god to teach, use and mold us.