Hello from Haiti! Or shall I say "bon nwi!". It is about 9:00pm here and we have celebrated a wonderful Sabbath with our Haitian brothers and sisters! We awoke around 6am, had coffee and quiet times and then had a glorious breakfast! The ladies who cook for us are amazing! We have eaten awesome food at every meal so far! After breakfast we loaded up in the van and headed to church. When we arrived Pastor Jean Alix informed us that Haiti decided to Spring forward this year so we were late! But the funny thing is he didn't know either so we were all late together! Worship in Haiti is like nothing I've never experienced before. Even though we couldn't understand most of what was being said we understood God's Spirit and felt Him moving! We were able to pray, and read scripture as we listened and some of us sang along even when we didn't know the words! Some of the beautiful things that we witnessed and experienced today were shared at our group time today. Jeff and Jen got to pray over the newborn baby of their friends Sinclair and Berline in front of the church. It was similar to a baby dedication. It was so sweet to see this family rejoice in the blessing of their first child! There was a time of prayer where some of the boys from the orphanage helped lead and we broke out into a concert prayer where we all prayed at once, Hatians and Americans alike! It was so beautiful! Seeing the way God brings people together and connects us over great distances is awesome! It truly makes a difference to see the work that is being done in His name! After church we were able to tour the boys home and see the work that has been done since the last visit. Even though this is my first time to Haiti, it was exciting to see and hear the reactions of those who have been before!
After church we came back to the house for a restful afternoon. The Haitians truly honor the Sabbath by resting. It is a great feeling to just be at peace and prepare for the work that is ahead of us with restful quiet time.
After talking out our experiences from the day, our team member Clay, led us in a time of worship at the house. It was a great way to end the day! I am excited about what is ahead of us and ready to work hard and serve the Haitian people who have already blessed me so much in the short time we have been here! "Monsieur ben ou!" God bless you!
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