I am immensely grateful for these men of God that gave up a week of their time to come and serve the Haitian pastors and their churches. These are true servants of God and their churches should be proud of the men God has called to lead them.
I praise the Lord for those of you that have been faithfully praying for our team this week. We have been strengthened and encouraged by your prayers. I can say without a doubt that your prayers have been a strategic part of this week and we ask God's blessing for each of you because of your service with us.
Every time I am here, God stirs and renews my heart for the Haitian people and the local churches here. I can see in their eyes, hear in their songs, and feel in the intensity and earnestness of their prayers, the compelling of the Holy Spirit to live and proclaim the Gospel. The believers in Haiti struggle in the same way that we struggle, and in many ways that we do not. But they are firm in their faith and belief that the power of the redeeming blood of Jesus can and will change the hearts and lives of their fellow Haitians.
I see hope in the lives of young men like Etzer, our translator. Etzer grew up near Marotherie and has work very hard in his education. He is a fantastic translator and a brilliant, godly man. Etzer is attending seminary while working as an English translator, preparing for a life of service to the Lord. I see hope in the lives of young men like Eclesiate. Eclesiate drove our team yesterday and will take us to the airport in the morning. He grew up in the Boy's Home in Guibert and is now attending university, seeking a degree in agricultural development. Eclesiate is a godly young man, serving with the worship team at Agape Church, the new church plant in Petionville.
These young men, and many other young men and women like them, represent a brighter future for Haiti because of the power of the Holy Spirit at work in their lives and the determination He gives them to work for something better for themselves and for their country.
Would you prayerfully consider partnering with Hope for the Hungry in seeking to support the work God is doing here in Haiti through young people like Etzer and Eclesiate? If you are already giving, then we praise God for your generosity and support. If you are not giving, would you prayerfully consider being a part of God's work through Hope for the Hungry? For more general information, visit our website at www.hopeforthehungry.org or follow a link below to learn more about our initiatives that directly impact the lives and futures of the children in Haiti.
"Rescue those who are being taken away to death;
hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter."
~ Proverbs 24:11
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