The mission of Hope For The Hungry is to "Share the Bread of Life with a Starving World". God has called us to serve people who suffer from hunger that is both spiritual and physical. According to scriptural mandate, we offer food for the body and salvation for the spirit to those who do not know Jesus Christ and will suffer eternal death without Him.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Holiday Bible Club begins...

And we are off!  HBC began today and it was a blast.  We had about 75 children between the two sites today, with the morning HBC in Makuyu being the large group.  Very rarely does everything go exactly as planned during cross-cultural ministry  and today was no exception.  Our team handled everything with joyous flexibility and the HBC went very smoothly.

We taught the story of David and Goliath today, teaching the children that God can and will help them because of His great love for them.  Our memory verse for today was Psalm 121:2, "My help comes from the Lord". The children are great memorizers and now  have a new part of God's Word hidden in their hearts.  Some of our team members acted out the story as it was being told, to the great  delight of all the children. Watching Reyn play the role of Goliath brought lots of laughter from the children and our team members as well.

Our Kenyan team members are phenomenal.  They are such a great help and blessing.  It is wonderful to work in partnership with these wonderful believers.

Tomorrow's theme is "Never Stop Praying"  focusing on 1 Thesselonians 5:17.  We want the children to understand that prayer is bigger than asking, it is communicating with God and hearing His voice in our lives.

Speaking of prayer, pray that all of our team members get good sleep tonight.  We still trying to adjust and several of us have had a difficult time getting adequate rest.  God is our strength and our provision.

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