It is crazy to think that our time here is almost finished and that we have completed our main task for the week, but it has been amazing. Our assembly time went really well. We reviewed all of the verses and songs and the kids have really caught on to the truths we have shared this week. In today's assembly we looked at how David was disobedient to God and looked at what forgiveness and repentance looks like. We also shared the truths of Jesus and how redemption is found only through him.
Our class time went really well today. We are all pros by now and know how to manage and control our classes. Plus our students are really responding to everything we are teaching.
As the day was winding to a close we got to do something very special in our primary classes. We got to give each of our kids, teacher, and community kids a brand new leather bound bible.
As we went from class to class we were able to teach them how to treat their bible and why it is such an important book the deserves respect.
The children were so happy, for most of them this is the first bible they have ever owned, and for some it will be the only bible in their family. The smiles on their faces and their applause and gratitude is something that we may never forget. It was such an emotional moment and their joy is indescribable.
One of the girls that received a bible just hugged it close, smelled the pages and just shouted thank you! It was hard to hold back the tears, and was a wake up call for us.
The pure innocence of their joy for having a bible has changed all of us and makes us appreciate what we have so much more.
It is humbling to know that we were a part of sharing these truths and bibles with over 200 kids today. Please join us in praying for these kids, their families, and the truth that they now hold in their hands. We have already been blessed to witness some of the kids reading their new bibles with the memory verse book marks that we passed out this week. It is such an amazing thing to see.
The rest of the day was spent cleaning up and taking inventory of all our supplies for the next VBS this July in Guibert. We also got to give the girls from the girls' home new soccer balls and jump ropes.
And the photo shoot of profile pictures will continue tonight. We also got to visit The Village which is another children's home that works with trafficked children here in Ferrier. It was good to see another place and that there are people working everywhere.
Pray for our team as we are preparing to leave and transition back to life at home. Pray for the bibles that we passed out and the families that will be reading scriptures tonight. Pray for our fun day tomorrow as we get to take all of the girls on an adventure to the beach. Pray for Colton as he begins his journey home tomorrow.
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