Our last day in Haiti has been bittersweet. We are so excited to see you guys and share with you the things the Lord has done this week, but we are also sad to leave our new friends.
We woke up and headed to worship with 350 of our closest Haitian friends. The church was filled with the Holy Spirit and it was sweet to worship with people so different from ourselves. It was humbling to see people who have nothing by the world's standards, worship with everything they have... After spending much time singing praises to the Lord, Danny got up and preached about faith. He encouraged the believers to live out their faith in a radical way. It was a very powerful message and was very well received. We ended the service in a time of prayer for people who came forward with a need.
The remainder of the day has been spent in rest and fellowship with our team and the Paul family. We had a great final team meeting, and have packed up all of our things to leave in the morning.
Please pray for us as we leave Haiti. Although we will be gone, we will leave a piece of our hearts here. Pray that we will have safe travels. We cant wait to see you guys. Thanks for your continued prayers.